Badges recognize your activities and achievements in this learning space. Below, you can learn more about the various Badges that you can earn for your participation.

Classroom Badges

  • Awesome Alumni
    Awesome Alumni

    Earned by being an alumnus from one of the previous Education for Social Innovation courses.

  • Discussion Leader
    Discussion Leader

    Earned by posting a discussion response that received 5 or more replies.

  • Discussion Maestro
    Discussion Maestro

    Earned by posting a discussion response that received 7 or more replies.

  • Discussion Starter
    Discussion Starter

    Earned by posting a discussion response that received 3 or more replies.

  • Innovative Teacher for Social Impact
    Innovative Teacher for Social Impact

    Earned by completing Modules 1-8 badges at the Discoverer level or higher and earning 10 additional badges.

  • Module 1 Discoverer
    Module 1 Discoverer

    Earned by completing the Discoverer extension, application, reflection and response for Module 1.

  • Module 1 Explorer
    Module 1 Explorer

    Earned by completing the Explorer reflection and response for Module 1.

  • Module 1 Investigator
    Module 1 Investigator

    Earned by completing the Investigator extension, reflection, and response for Module 1.

  • Module 2 Discoverer
    Module 2 Discoverer

    Earned by completing the Discoverer extension, application, reflection and response for Module 2.

  • Module 2 Explorer
    Module 2 Explorer

    Earned by completing the Explorer reflection and response for Module 2.

  • Module 2 Investigator
    Module 2 Investigator

    Earned by completing the Investigator extension, reflection, and response for Module 2.

  • Module 3 Discoverer
    Module 3 Discoverer

    Earned by completing the Discoverer extension, application, reflection and response for Module 3.

  • Module 3 Explorer
    Module 3 Explorer

    Earned by completing the Explorer reflection and response for Module 3.

  • Module 3 Investigator
    Module 3 Investigator

    Earned by completing the Investigator extension, reflection, and response for Module 3.

  • Module 4 Discoverer
    Module 4 Discoverer

    Earned by completing the Discoverer extension, application, reflection and response for Module 4.

  • Module 4 Explorer
    Module 4 Explorer

    Earned by completing the Explorer reflection and response for Module 4.

  • Module 4 Investigator
    Module 4 Investigator

    Earned by completing the Investigator extension, reflection, and response for Module 4.

  • Module 5 Discoverer
    Module 5 Discoverer

    Earned by posting a project sketch to the Module 5 discussion thread and offering feedback on at least 5 colleagues’ project sketches.

  • Module 5 Explorer
    Module 5 Explorer

    Earned by posting a project sketch to the Module 5 discussion thread and offering feedback on at least 1 colleague’s project sketch.

  • Module 5 Investigator
    Module 5 Investigator

    Earned by posting a project sketch to the Module 5 discussion thread and offering feedback on at least 3 colleagues’ project sketches.

  • Module 6 Discoverer
    Module 6 Discoverer

    Earned by completing the Discoverer extension, application, reflection and response for Module 6.

  • Module 6 Explorer
    Module 6 Explorer

    Earned by completing the Explorer reflection and response for Module 6.

  • Module 6 Investigator
    Module 6 Investigator

    Earned by completing the Investigator extension, reflection, and response for Module 6.

  • Module 7 Discoverer
    Module 7 Discoverer

    Earned by completing the Discoverer extension, application, reflection and response for Module 7.

  • Module 7 Explorer
    Module 7 Explorer

    Earned by completing the Explorer reflection and response for Module 7.

  • Module 7 Investigator
    Module 7 Investigator

    Earned by completing the Investigator extension, reflection, and response for Module 7.

  • Module 8 Discoverer
    Module 8 Discoverer

    Earned by commenting on at least 2 other colleagues’ projects in the Project Collection.

  • Module 8 Explorer
    Module 8 Explorer

    Earned by posting a project plan to the Module 8 discussion thread.

  • Module 8 Investigator
    Module 8 Investigator

    Earned by documenting the project implementation and posting a description in the Project Collection.

  • Peer Leader
    Peer Leader

    Earned by replying to 6 or more discussion responses in a single forum.

  • Peer Mentor
    Peer Mentor

    Earned by replying to 4 or more discussion responses in a single forum.

  • Peer Supporter
    Peer Supporter

    Earned by replying to 2 or more discussion responses in a single forum.

  • SDG Lead Learner
    SDG Lead Learner

    Earned sharing 6 or more resources for teaching the SDGs.

  • SDG Researcher
    SDG Researcher

    Earned sharing 4 or more resources for teaching the SDGs.

  • SDG Resource Finder
    SDG Resource Finder

    Earned sharing 2 or more resources for teaching the SDGs.

  • Social Innovation Collaborator
    Social Innovation Collaborator

    Earned by participating in more than 3 webinars.

  • Social Innovation Discoverer
    Social Innovation Discoverer

    Earned by completing all 8 modules at the Discoverer level.

  • Social Innovation Educator
    Social Innovation Educator

    Earned by completing Modules 1-8 badges at the Investigator level or higher and earning 10 additional badges.

  • Social Innovation Enthusiast
    Social Innovation Enthusiast

    Earned by participating in more than 2 webinars.

  • Social Innovation Explorer
    Social Innovation Explorer

    Earned by completing all 8 modules at the Explorer level.

  • Social Innovation Investigator
    Social Innovation Investigator

    Earned by completing all 8 modules at the Investigator level.

  • Social Innovation Learner
    Social Innovation Learner

    Earned by participating in more than 1 webinar.

  • Tech Tool Lead Learner
    Tech Tool Lead Learner

    Earned sharing 8 or more Tech Tools.

  • Tech Tool Researcher
    Tech Tool Researcher

    Earned sharing 6 or more Tech Tools.

  • Tech Tool Resource Finder
    Tech Tool Resource Finder

    Earned sharing 4 or more Tech Tools.



Brooklyn Arrowood


Sandra Holshouser




Paula Almond




Carolyn Brown


Kirstin Bullington


Kate Strein


Kendall Mauldin


Amy Haynes