Module 3 Investigators

Jun 19, 2019 at 5:21 AM by Honor Moorman

Browse the Learn More: Sustainable Development Goals resources.

  • Identify at least one new idea you plan to implement in your school or classroom community.
  • Describe your idea and your plan for implementation in the discussion forum.

Please read and respond to at least 1 of your colleagues’ ideas.

Next, you can level up to Module 3 Discoverer, or jump ahead to Module 4.

4 Replies

Kate Strein
Sep 26, 2019 at 8:50 AM

I plan on teaching, discussing, and taking action on 2 of the SDGs: zero hunger and avoid wasting water. In the first module, I discussed the global hunger unit that I designed, along with the 6 project options for students to take action. In addition, being in South Florida, we are very aware of water issues in our community and world.  While we discuss water pollution and conservation, it's important for students to realize how they impact these issues. Each student will go to to identify the amount of water they waste each day on a shower or bath. We will keep a graph for each class to see how much water we collectively waste. Then I will challenge students to be more conservative with their water usage by spending less time in the shower and turning off the water when not in use. We will also brainstorm other ways that we can conserve water in our daily lives and throughout the community 

Emily Jackson
Mar 26, 2021 at 12:20 AM

As I am digging deeper into these modules, I see how powerful it is to teach my students real-world problems. Just by simply having them recycle, or buy things from consignment stores, and telling them to stop using plastic utensils or bottles. Maybe not forever but for a week or so and let them report to me how they felt it improved the earth or community.

Brooklyn Arrowood
Mar 22, 2022 at 3:17 PM

I agree with you and think that we could have a huge impact on the world one student and a time.

Maddy Howard
Mar 17, 2023 at 4:29 PM

I am right with you about the recycling stuff. It is a great way and simple way for students to get involved and still understand.

Emily Jackson
Mar 26, 2021 at 12:24 AM

Kate, it truly inspired me to read your post. To encourage students to help people avoid hunger and no longer wastewater. Once in middle school, my teacher mentioned to my class to turn our water off as we brush our teeth. Leaving the water on is a waste of water and money. Ever since I've turned my water off. 

Jason Ritter
Mar 26, 2021 at 12:36 PM

(Initial Post)

I would show my students the effect of single-use plastics and the impact it has on our environment.  Many people believe that if they recycle plastics they are doing good for the environment.  What people don’t understand is that our world has so much plastic that is “recycled” that we cannot process it quick enough and most of it ends up in our oceans and is digested by sea life, which in return humans eat, so not only are we eating seafood we are also eating bits of plastics.  I would encourage students at all possibilities not to use single-use plastic like water bottles and shopping bags. I would have them design and implement a plan in their own household in hopes to grow that plan to neighbors and friends.

Katelyn Sifford
Mar 15, 2022 at 8:29 AM

I think having the students create a plan for their household is a great idea. This directly involves them in the work and allows them to take their learning beyond the classroom. Students will be able to advocate for the cause to their parents who may not be so accepting of the idea. They can also become leaders and lead their household in maintaining the plans goal. But having a goal to the plan is really important so that students keep sight of their end result. 

Jason Ritter
Mar 26, 2021 at 12:39 PM

Kate, I was inspired by your post and it made me think about what other global issue is there that might affect everyone.  I chose plastic, but I think water is very key and I think bringing it to the attention of others will make them aware that not everyone even has clean water to drink.

Alyson Hilburn
Mar 28, 2021 at 3:03 PM

(Initial Post)

One issue that I believe is important is recycling. I would incorporate this concept by talking about the endangerment of sea life due to the lack of recycling. One way I could use this in a lesson or project would be by having a recycling bin in the classroom and encouraging students to understand which types of products need to be placed inside the bin or in the trash can. 

    Alyson Hilburn
    Mar 28, 2021 at 3:06 PM


    Hi Kate! I like that you went and found a resource activity that you could use in your classroom for this learning opportunity. 

    Sandra Holshouser
    Mar 28, 2021 at 4:10 PM

    Katie,  I never thought of just how much water we do waste.  I know, I'm always thinking of how much food we waste. I like how you went out and found the activity that you will use in your classroom. 

    Taylor Carroll
    Mar 29, 2021 at 7:02 PM

    • Identify at least one new idea you plan to implement in your school or classroom community. I plan to incorporate the importance of waste and recycling. 
    • Describe your idea and your plan for implementation in the discussion forum. I will go over the do's and the don'ts of recycling. This will include what can and cannot be put into the recycle bin. From here, I would work with the local waste plant to allow for student's to take a field trip. Here, they will be able to see some of the process first hand. 

    Taylor Carroll
    Mar 29, 2021 at 7:02 PM

    Hi Kate! I did not even think about how much water we waste daily. That would be great to incorporate. 

    (Initial Post)

    I would want to encourage my student to help with zero hunger. I would have my student  think of ways that they can raise food for people that need it.  We could also do a can food drive in our classroom. 


    Hello Kate,  I think that having the students brainstorm ways to conserve water is a great way to get them involved in helping. 

    Katelyn Sifford
    Mar 15, 2022 at 8:27 AM

    I like the idea of using reusable water bottles in my classroom as they are efficient in more than one way. With COVID they are safer but they will last longer and not have to be thrown away. I also like the idea of a take what you need leave what you can table in the cafeteria. This idea is that if a student doesn’t want something from their lunch they leave it at the table for another student to take if they need it. This allows for less food waste as we know students rarely finish their food. This table would have to be watched by an adult and with COVID it is less likely to happen but overall I think it’s a good idea for the SDG goal of no hunger within the school level. Then of course doing a canned food drive for the local homeless shelter is something to address no hunger as well.

    Lawson Eudy
    Mar 16, 2022 at 11:42 AM

    The idea of reusable water bottles is a great one because once you finish the bottle you can refill it the rest of the day. This also cuts down on water bottles used everyday.

    Will Little
    Mar 16, 2022 at 7:36 PM

    I agree that using reusable water bottles can help the use of plastics and lower that amount. 

    Ruth Fallen
    Mar 18, 2022 at 5:46 PM

    Initial Post: 

    I really would love to use recyclable bottle caps from soda bottles, water bottles, etc. to create art with my students. This is going to allow my students to be creative and we can also use it during math for counting and sorting.  With Covid this would be something that the students bring in on their own and I would provide some for the students that couldn’t bring any in.  I love that this teaches the students that you can really recycle anything and you can create something out of something that you would be throwing away.

    Katelyn, I love the idea you have.  It brings something they can use on a daily basis and also teaches the students how to take care of the planet. 

    dymond haith
    Mar 23, 2022 at 8:22 PM

    I love this idea I think it is very creative and has a good meaning behind it 

    Lawson Eudy
    Mar 16, 2022 at 11:40 AM

    • Identify at least one new idea you plan to implement in your school or classroom community.
    • Describe your idea and your plan for implementation in the discussion forum.

    I would help students learn the importance of waste and recycling.

    We would go over what goes to trash and what goes to recycling and then start a competition type thing to see which class can recycle the most bottles or something. A field trip to a recycling plant would be neat so they could see how it works.

    Will Little
    Mar 16, 2022 at 7:35 PM

    • Initial post 

    • Identify at least one new idea you plan to implement in your school or classroom community.
    • Describe your idea and your plan for implementation in the discussion forum

    I want my students to advocate and learn about waste and why it is important to recycle and save energy, materials, etc. 

    I want my students to bring in plastic from home to recycle so that more families may be encouraged to do so at their homes. The same with compost. I also will allow my students to bring home an energy log where they will account for all the electricity that they use once a day for homework so that they are aware of how much energy is being used by one person.

    Allison Burrage
    Mar 17, 2022 at 8:42 PM


    I find recycling very important due to the fact that it endangers sea life. I would implement recycling by showing the children a video of how the lack of recycling affects the world. 

    I would have an overall discussion about recycling and how it helps the world after they watch the video. I will then have a guest speaker come in that has had the duty of cleaning up beaches and oceans that way they get an idea of what stuff they find that could hurt sea life. I would then explain that little things like recycling can make the world a much better place.


    Lawson, I think a field trip to a recycling plan would be an awesome idea.

    Daniella Balducci
    Mar 22, 2022 at 4:19 PM

    • Identify at least one new idea you plan to implement in your school or classroom community.
      • I plan to do a project on nutrition and GMOS.
    • Describe your idea and your plan for implementation in the discussion forum.
      • Students will learn about how food is grown and made and how that effects their bodies.

    Maddy Howard
    Mar 17, 2023 at 4:29 PM

    • Identify at least one new idea you plan to implement in your school or classroom community.

    I would do a paper-saving or recycling unit.

    • Describe your idea and your plan for implementation in the discussion forum.

    Talking about pollution and how by saving paper we save trees and recycling can help decrease pollution.

    Makayla Marie Eastman
    Mar 20, 2023 at 11:32 AM

    I plan on implementing the idea of current events this will allow students to discover the hot topics going on in their state or community and understand both sides to a story. 

    I also believe that after they find a current event and explain the idea of it to the class they would then ask 2 questions which the class will discuss openly so that way everyones ideas are put in. Also it allows students to see somethings they may not have thought of. 

    Madison Halsey
    Mar 20, 2023 at 3:42 PM

    I loved that you pulled a website into this for your research, as this makes it even more known about the clean water issue. I also love how you plan to track your students with this issue and show how much of an impact one person can make. 

    Madison Halsey
    Mar 20, 2023 at 3:43 PM

    Initial post

    An idea that I have for showing my students this issue is having students track how many bottles they drink in a day. Then the next day, I will challenge them to recycle all the bottles they use that day, and the winner gets a small prize. As with this project, they can educate others about what they are doing and why. 

    Sandra Holshouser
    Mar 28, 2021 at 2:55 PM

    I plan on helping my students do a project on waste. So many things are not being recycled.  I think it would great for them to found out the important of what trash ( plastic, paper, etc..) is doing to our world. 

    Mar 28, 2021 at 10:07 PM


    I wan to implement the ideas of gender equality in my community. I could have my students examine women in literature. I could create an "empowering women's night" where I invite women speakers from all background and successes. I could create an school organization that creates community projects that fight for gender equality. The options are really endless here.


    Hi, Sandra! I think a project on waste would be great! I remember learning in elementary school the ideas of "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle," but there was never really any action being done. I think a project that actually incorporates the action of recycling is a good idea.

    Mar 20, 2022 at 2:29 PM

    I plan on developing a policy for the classroom about equality so the students can go around the room and talk to each other about their lives and different cultures and anything they feel like sharing and they can see that they are all a lot alike. 

    another thing I would like to do is decrease waste in my classroom I believe a reusable water bottle policy for the class would help that and we could even spend a day showing the impact they are all making on the world by not drinking from plastic bottles only during the school day. 

    Paula Almond
    Mar 29, 2021 at 6:27 PM

     An SDG I am implementing is a recycling garden. I am teaching my Kinders how to take objects and recycle them into environmental friendly gardens that can help with water distribution, shelter, etc.

    Mar 20, 2022 at 2:29 PM

    I really love the idea of a recycling garden that would be so fun for kids and they could even learn a new skill they could take home and use later in life. 

    Brooklyn Arrowood
    Mar 22, 2022 at 3:16 PM

    I want to work towards recycling and how much it will impact our world and even help to reduce costs. I would find games and maybe even an experience using kool aid pouches to make cool purses and other things to show them that they have other uses. 

    Apr 24, 2023 at 1:27 PM

    (Initial Post)

    • One thing I would implement is taking care of the earth, we only have one earth to live on we must think what if we damage the earth what is going to happen with us.
    • I will go over ways to protect the earth either by recycling or not cutting down many trees or simply throwing trash out int he streets.