Describe how you implemented one or more new ideas for elevating student voice and choice in your school or classroom community.
Please read and respond to at least 1 of your colleagues’ descriptions.
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4 Replies
I implement elevating my students voices from day one. Something as simple as selecting their seat, I found gave them ownership. Then they were allowed to select from different choices on a choice board when they completed an assignment early. Once again, they were selecting what they would do with that free time, this made them become an active participant in their learning. Which was a game changer for a few.
I will implement student voice by allowing them to help make the classroom rules. We will create the list together as a class, so they have a say. I will also allow them to choose seating. I think this is a great opportunity for students to show how responsible they can be. I will always let my students know that I care about their opinions and suggestions. I want my students to feel valued and heard.
Hi Landon,
Creating the class rules is something we do on the first day and it's a great way to begin to hold them accountable for their actions.
Holding students accountable makes all of the difference. Students can voice their opinions and even choose consequences based on the seriousness of their behaviors.
I really like your post that you have created and I think that we had some of the same concepts.
I said this before- but me too Landon. I really like the idea of classroom rules made by both the teacher and the students.
As an educator I will implement my students voices by allowing them to choose challenges that will help them learn and understand information. As each student learns differently, its important to listen and learn to best way for them to understand and learn , allowing students to choose challenges allows them to motivate and challenge themselves to either improve or try something new .
Allowing students to choose challenges that will help them learn is a great idea. When the student is motivated and willing to try something new that is always a good sign.
a great tactic that allows students freedom but also responsibility.
this was great !! love of the new ideas
Student voice and choice will be implemented in many ways as I will have students track their own progress to let me know what they feel they need. The class rules will also be done in a similar way so that students can communicate what in the environment helps them learn the best.
Initial Post: I would implement students using their voice in the classroom by having them help me create class rules and allow students to choose their own seating. This will show me how responsible the students are and how they can always develop that skill.
Katelyn, I love what you had to say about letting them track their own process. This allows them to see how well they are doing and what they might need to study to get back on track.
Katelyn, I agree that allowing students to voice the pros and cons of the classroom is important to set an environment that most students thrive in.
Finding the way that students learn best will help shape the environment of the classroom. If they feel like they have a voice and choice they will be able to feel confident and ready to learn.
Describe how you implemented one or more new ideas for elevating student voice and choice in your school or classroom community.
The students voices will be implemented by allowing them to help create the classroom rules and we will go over each one as a class to make sure we all agree and understand them. I will allow the students to let me know what they need the most work on.
Initial post
Describe how you implemented one or more new ideas for elevating student voice and choice in your school or classroom community
In my classroom, I will allow students to have a mood board after each week and allow them to tell me the things that benefited them individually. I will also them to discuss ideas in the classroom so that they can grow together and help students learn in their individual ways.
Initial post
I will allow my students to pick where they sit and will also have a welcoming ritual. This allows students to get things off their chest and out of their head that way they can focus in class. They can either talk in pairs, groups, or as a class and it doesn't have to be personal it can be how their day is going. This shows students that they always have someone to support them.
Will, I think a mood board after each week is a great way to get feedback from how the students are doing and feeling.
I really love the idea of a mood board to see where students are in class each day and how they might feel about what's been going on in the classroom.
I would make sure that my students feel comfortable all the time. let it be known that it is a safe space and another way I will make sure they are heard let your students speak and have an option on what's going on maybe ask them what they want the next assignment to be or let them choose between two. this allows them to feel like they have a say in what they can do.
I would like to incorporate a welcoming day where the students get to know each other and we go around the classroom deciding on rules for the class as well as picking our seating arrangments for the year. I would love to incorporate things that make a student feel like they have a say in their education as well. Like a small section of class where they decide what we will learn based on a few assignment choices I have for the week.
Describe how you implemented one or more new ideas for elevating student voice and choice in your school or classroom community.
What I will include in my classroom is a day of welcome. This day will be spent getting to know the students, the students getting to know me and their peers, exploring the school, the classroom. Setting boundaries and rules. Then just having fun and getting the kids acclimated to the environment.
I do not have a classroom yet, but I would try to implement options for simple things such as seating choice, book choice, lighting choice, etc.
I will implement student voice by allowing them to have input on rules allowing them to tell me what they believe to be acceptable ot not acceptable in a classroom allows them to understand each other as well as allowing me to see how they would like to be treated. I believe that this will for a more comfortable learning environment where students will want to come everyday.
I agree letting students build their own rules is a great way to start letting students know their voice matters.
I love how you let students add input on how they want the day structured, as this will help with not only learning but behavior management as well.
initial post
Describe how you implemented one or more new ideas for elevating student voice and choice in your school or classroom community.
Each class will help me make the rules for not only the students but the teacher also this way, they can contribute and feel valued. Another idea includes them having a box for suggestions and comments on the lessons as I will add these to my lessons in some way if possible.
An activity I want to do with my students is having them help me make the classroom rules. This shows that they have say in their classroom. This also helps them know the rules.
Hey landon, This is literally the same thing that I want to do in my classroom. Definitely a great way to let students have a voice on things that affect them.
Describe how you implemented one or more new ideas for elevating student voice and choice in your school or classroom community.
I have learned about good morning greetings and having students choose how they would like to be greeted in the morning. I also learned about consensually creating classroom rules together and their corresponding punishments. Including the students in on these decisions make them feel like they are contributing to the core values of the class.
I would like to make it known from day one that each and everyone of their voices are valued and are important. I would let them pick where they would like to sit along with making rules within the classroom. I would even like to let them give out prizes to their classmates whenever they see that they did something good in class or even to another student.
(initial post)
~Student voice would be implemented by always allowing time for every single student to voice their opinion or choices. Having everyone listen and respect each other's ideas.
I implement elevating my students' voices from day one. It is imperial that teachers in the classroom.
I agree, making it known from the beginning that you care about what they have to say and how they are feeling is vital for a successful classroom.
I plan to implement new ideas for evaluating student voice by helping students feel welcome and having a say in their opinions on their class rules and what they agree and disagree on. This will help thing run smoothly and help the students be open to the rules of the classroom.
Paula Almond
Mar 28, 2021 at 5:55 PM