Module 6 Investigators

Jun 20, 2019 at 10:35 AM by Honor Moorman

Browse the Learn More: Empathy, Creativity, and Collaboration resources.

  • Identify at least one new idea you plan to implement in your school or classroom community.
  • Describe your idea and your plan for implementation in the discussion forum.

Please read and respond to at least 1 of your colleagues’ ideas.

Next, you can level up to Module 6 Discoverer, or jump ahead to Module 7.

1 Reply

Paula Almond
Mar 30, 2021 at 7:15 PM

New Idea:

Teaching my students monthly character traits such as empathy and providing real world scenarios.


Introduce character trait, give the meaning, add a weekly quote that goes with the meaning and a mantra they can understand - remember, I teach Kindergarten. Then each week as we discuss the character trait, give real world scenarios they would understand and relate to. At the end of the month, acknowledge those students who went above and beyond to show that trait and use it in their daily life.