Engaging Education | Jennifer Kranenburg | TEDxChathamKent
13 Comment(s)
Having and maintaining teacher-student relationships is important as we also begin to learn what methods help each student to learn.
Understanding how to work the material to help students get involved in their learning is important. Getting students involved creates a successful classroom i think.
Engagement, when held, can teach the student how to learn to blooms. Imagine a student a flower seed in learning. Every flower wants to grow. However, without help from the sun (teacher ), water (content ), and last fertilizer (engagement ). A beautiful flower can bloom if this is all under the right conditions and drive. Like flowers, not every student is the same. They all need a different amount of each source. This is important for a teacher to know each student.
You have to know how each student gets engaged to help them learn better.
Learning how to get the students to learn the material is helped with engagement. Having the students more engaged in the material or lesson helps with the learning process.
Educators need to look for ways to get students engaged and essentially keep them engaged, engagement is a very tricky thing especially in school because you can easily lose focus. When you grab the students attention and hold it there we allow for more learning to occur which is one of the primary aims of engagement/learning.
you have to learn how to get your students engaged for them to learn the material.
Helping to get the students to engage will help them to understand the material and grasp the overall picture and reason behind learning the topic.
Getting students engaged in the lesson allows for a better classroom environment and stronger class engagement.
A common theme I am noticing in these modules is allowing more student choice in the classroom. The students know better than we do where they struggle and what they are not understanding. They know what they need to grow and it is our job to guide them in that direction.
Students should have the right to be more interactive within their own education which allows them to gain independence and growth.
Allowing students to make more decisions in their own education prevents passiveness and getting "stuck" in places.
Teaching students how to grow is something they can use in their own life's.
Mar 17, 2024