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39 Comment(s)

Including students voices are important for many reasons. Students need to know that their voice matters, that having an opinion is ok and it is great to share it. Just like students learn a lot from their teachers, as teachers we can also learn a lot from our students. As a teacher you want to have the type of environment where students feel safe to share their opinions, thoughts and ideas.

Mar 16, 2024

I strongly believe in the idea that giving students the opportunity to express their voice and opinions within the classroom is extremely important. Each child has their own way of learning and teachers must be able to understand and execute different learning styles.

Sarah Coble
Mar 13, 2024

No student is the same. Students should not be expected to learn and show their understanding in the same way. Students need to be given the choice how they show their understanding.

Haley McManus
Mar 12, 2024

There is more than one right way to do things, and we should allow students to personalize their learning.

Apr 17, 2023

Students having a voice in their education encourages that they are the reason everything is happening and become more involved in their education.

Skylar Price
Mar 22, 2023

This shows that when students have a voice in what they are learning they will be more engaged and develop a deeper level of understanding.

Elizabeth Jones
Mar 21, 2023

If students have a say in what they are learning they are going to be more engaged in the discussion and lesson since they helped pick the topic.

Alexandra Stancell
Mar 20, 2023

The video talks about how important the children's voices are in the classroom.

Morgan Shrader
Mar 20, 2023

Student voices are very important because a lot of jobs today use collaboration and sharing of ideas and opinions. It is good to start that skill at a young age.

Abby Talley
Mar 20, 2023

Student voice and feedback is essential. Without that, the teacher wouldn't truly know if they are doing the best by their students. Students should have space to communicate their preferences and ideas and the respect to be acknowledged.

Megan Davis
Mar 19, 2023

This video discusses the importance of giving students a voice in their learning. When students have the opportunity to share their thoughts, they realize that there is more than one way of doing things.

Cassie Barnes
Mar 18, 2023

I think allowing students to have a say in the way they are learning is important because you teach them early on that their opinion and feelings do matter, and they should not allow people to disregard them.

Maddy Howard
Mar 17, 2023

Student voice is important because it promotes engagement, deeper learning, and understanding- if students get to choose within their lesson and we as the teacher design lessons around the students are more likely to benefit from what they are learning.

Jahmik Bell
Mar 16, 2023

I agree students love to talk and share about the things they have learned or what they know. It allows for students to have a voice and show how smart they are.

Bridget Benitez
Mar 16, 2023

Students like to share what they know, understand, their creativity, etc. It gives students new ideas, reassurance, and inspires them to share with others as well, there are no right ways to do something. For instance there are a variety of ways to work with math problems.

Having students become more included is important because it inspires them. We can all learn from others and grow.

Airen Bosher
Apr 22, 2022

I agree that students love to share what they know. It allows them to show how smart they are, which feels good inside.

cody stevenson
Mar 28, 2022

your students voices matter in the classroom because if they are there and they dont enjoy what your doing or there doing then their not going to learn. it needs to be a two way street.

Caitlin Singleton
Mar 27, 2022

Students' voices matter because they make up the classroom. As a teacher, you need to ensure you are doing the absolute best things for your students.

Jacob Miller
Mar 24, 2022

Giving students a voice is what makes up the school. Listening to their concerns and ideas is how you make a school better for the students because after all, isn't that why we have school?

Stephanie R Juarez
Mar 22, 2022

I believe that giving children a voice in the classroom is critical because it allows them to share their thoughts and determine what works best for their learning. After all, schools and educators exist to assist children, which is why they should be given a voice.

Amarius Barnes
Mar 22, 2022

Student voice matters in the classroom because students make up the classroom, we need to hear their thoughts and perspectives in their learning environment. We need to remember who classrooms are built around and we need to try to reach every student which is where their voice comes into play.

Brooklyn Arrowood
Mar 21, 2022

The students are very important to not only change your teaching method if needed. You could also see where they got lost in the notes you were providing them with and many more.

Daniella Balducci
Mar 21, 2022

Students need to have a voice in the classroom. It is their learning experience and they need to have a say in what they are doing.

Emma Bullin
Mar 21, 2022

This video talked about how important it is for a student's voice to be heard in the classroom.

Katelyn Barfield
Mar 18, 2022

I think it is so imperative to give students a voice in the classroom and offer a judge free and safe environment for them to voice their concerns and voice their thoughts on a given topic. This leads to deeper thinking and new ideas being formed.

Victoria Abernathy
Mar 18, 2022

I enjoyed how this video shined a light on student empowerment. Students absolutely deserve to have a voice, and share their own ideas.

Allison Burrage
Mar 16, 2022

I think this video does a great job of explaining why it is important for students to use their voices to advocate for themselves. Students need to feel comfortable expressing their ideas and feelings, especially at school. Being able to voice how they feel and allowing them to open up can lead to more success in the classroom. Students shouldn't be on edge about everything they say around teachers and scared to get in trouble. It should be the exact opposite.

Ruth Fallen
Mar 16, 2022

Students need to use their voices to advocate for themselves and their classmates. Letting students use their voice can allow for more engagement which can lead to more success.

Will Little
Mar 16, 2022

Advocating for students to share their thoughts and ideas is important for student improvement and creative thoughts to be shared.

Lawson Eudy
Mar 16, 2022

Letting the students voice be heard is important for them to be successful in a classroom.

Allie Perdue
Mar 15, 2022

Students feeling like they can share how they feel about things in the classroom is important, and letting them know that their input is valued is just as important. This communication in the classroom is the key to having students that know they deserve to have a say in their education.

Katelyn Sifford
Mar 14, 2022

Giving students to show their understanding is so rewarding. Knowing that there are multiple paths to learning is important so that students don't feel left behind.

Christina Cassidy
May 5, 2021

Students voices are important because they are important, as children have minds that develop and connect with other people to make good environments and safe to listen and work together on improving issues.

Christina Cassidy
May 5, 2021

It's important for students to be comfortable and feel like sharing , as their voices are the key to their life and others as it can have a meaning and positively affect one great by encouraging or supporting.

Landon Orrand
Mar 31, 2021

Listening is key! Children are people, and they should be valued as such! We need to teach students at a young age that they have a voice, and they should use it! We need to create leaders in our classroom, and we do this by giving students a choice.

Landon Orrand
Mar 31, 2021

Listening is key! Children are people, and they should be valued as such! We need to teach students at a young age that they have a voice, and they should use it! We need to create leaders in our classroom, and we do this by giving students a choice.

Our student voice is important.

Paula Almond
Mar 27, 2021

Including our students voices is so important, it empowers them and inspires others. We all learn from hearing others and including our students in discussions is another point of learning.

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