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25 Comment(s)

Mar 16, 2024

I love how this article stresses how important it is to have students be involved.

Haley McManus
Mar 13, 2024

It is important for student growth to be documented. Students should see their progress, it can be extremely encouraging.

Sarah Coble
Mar 13, 2024

I like how researchers have found that education is better when it is student-centered. Students need to be thought of when planning things for instruction.

Apr 24, 2023

When education is student-centered I believe they are more interested in their learning and actually paying attention. Educators should always take in mind student voice.

Skylar Price
Mar 22, 2023

I love how student-centered this is.

Jahmik Bell
Mar 20, 2023

I like that the resource is more student-centered and driven.

Cassie Barnes
Mar 20, 2023

I like that this promotes the use of accepting various artifacts to capture thinking, knowledge, and understanding. I think teachers often get stuck in the rut of doing work sheets, lecture notes, and multiple-choice tests because they are easy to grade. However, teaching is not about doing what is easiest for you it is about what will help you students succeed. Allowing students, a choice in how they present their learning allows for increased engagement but also an over increase in morale.

Maddy Howard
Mar 17, 2023

I like how student-centered and driven this is!

Airen Bosher
Apr 22, 2022

This graphic reminds us as educators of the compelling way to lead to the desired learning process. One tool I agree with is knowing your students enough to listen to their questions and gather ideas to see what they are interested in.

cody stevenson
Mar 28, 2022

i like this because it focues on how studetn envolvement is very importnt and is one of the most important rules in keepingb a kid wanting to learn

Jacob Miller
Mar 28, 2022

I liked this article because it talked about how student involvement and engagement in the material leads to a better learning experience.

Stephanie R Juarez
Mar 27, 2022

I enjoyed how this article discusses how instructors can use many methods to get more involved in their students' learning. The tools utilized in the classroom should be for the benefit of the students.

Emma Bullin
Mar 27, 2022

I like how this talks about how when students are more engaged and enjoy the lesson more when they are learning about something that they are interested in.

Amarius Barnes
Mar 25, 2022

Looking over this resource reminds me of knowing about your learners in the classroom, so that way as the educator you know what they like and they still have that say in their learning as well. You would need to have that student relationship to know what students like.

dymond haith
Mar 23, 2022

I like how the article talks about how the students enjoy or are more engaged when it's something they like or when they have a say in what they can do.

Brooklyn Arrowood
Mar 23, 2022

I think that this article was great and very eye-opening. Helping get the students engaged is a great way to find out how they learn and what they like.

Daniella Balducci
Mar 22, 2022

This article was great. Getting students engaged comes within finding things that they are interested in and what they want to know.

Katelyn Barfield
Mar 21, 2022

I have always said that when students learn about topics they are genuinely curious about they will be more involved in class and will enjoy learning even more.

Allison Burrage
Mar 19, 2022

I think this article hit the nail on the head. When students are learning about something they enjoy and love they are more likely to be engaged rather than learning about stuff they have no interest in.

Victoria Abernathy
Mar 19, 2022

This article is spot on. Students are more likely to learn, and enjoy what they are learning when they get to be a part of the process.

Will Little
Mar 17, 2022

When students are doing something that aids in their learning in the classroom, they are more likely to be extremely engaged.

Lawson Eudy
Mar 17, 2022

When a student loves what they are learning/doing it makes it easier for them to learn.

Allie Perdue
Mar 16, 2022

I think that this all definitely makes sense, because students are going to better understand something that they had more of a choice in, or that they had fun doing.

Katelyn Sifford
Mar 15, 2022

Doing something you love is advice we always give to adults when they choose their careers. Why shouldn’t we say the same for students with their learning. They should love what they learn and they should be engaged and interested. Using teamwork one student who loves the content could help others learn to love it. Again, children learn more from their peers than from teachers sometimes so it is important to maintain a collaborative environment.

Students learn at their best when doing something they love and working in groups. I believe teamwork is great for learning. It gives them a challenge to work out problem solving.

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