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25 Comment(s)

Mar 16, 2024


Haley McManus
Mar 13, 2024

The link wouldn't load for me :(

Sarah Coble
Mar 13, 2024

The link is unavailable to view.

Apr 24, 2023

Having student work around the class I think is positive for them they can look at their work to gain strength to do better in class. Seeing their accomplishments whether it be small or big.

Skylar Price
Mar 22, 2023

I think that having visuals around the classroom is a great idea, it allows the students to see their work and also their growth.

Jahmik Bell
Mar 20, 2023

It is a great Idea to have more visuals around the classroom of student work.

Cassie Barnes
Mar 20, 2023

I think it is important to celebrate the success that comes from student mastery of growth. When a child sees that they have done something right they start to build confidence and perhaps become more motivated. They also know what the expectations are and can work towards achieving them. One thing you have to be aware of is that one child is not being overrepresented. Celebrate everyone's successes even if they are small.

Maddy Howard
Mar 17, 2023

I like the idea of having visuals around the room of students' work. I think it's a great way to show students growth in what they have accomplished over the year. This encourages their learning.

Airen Bosher
Apr 22, 2022

The article talks about showing off the student's work to allow visuals reminders of their growth for everyone to see. I think it is a beautiful idea.

cody stevenson
Mar 28, 2022

the idea of displaying a students work is a great idea because it makes the student feel happy and proud of his work and do work like that from there on out.

Jacob Miller
Mar 28, 2022

I liked this because it showed why documentation is so important. In the classroom having documents helps students understand certain material and can give them things to go back and look on in certain topics.

Stephanie R Juarez
Mar 27, 2022

This post appealed to me because it demonstrates the importance of documenting in the classroom. For example, it makes learning visible and boosts children's learning.

Emma Bullin
Mar 27, 2022

I like the idea of displaying your student's work because it shows them that you care and it gives them something to look forward to.

Amarius Barnes
Mar 25, 2022

When looking over this resource, I think that this is both a good thing and a bad thing because students don't always like their works displayed but it could be a perfect example for another student. It can show off the skills of the students in the classroom as well. I think with trying to implement this in the classroom we need to be considerate of student voice and choice, students should have a say in whether they want a work of theirs posted.

dymond haith
Mar 23, 2022

I like the idea of displaying my student's work because it shows that they are working for something and you feel appreciated

Brooklyn Arrowood
Mar 23, 2022

I think that this has pros and cons, this could either push the students to want to do better or lower their self-esteem because they are not educated on the same level as their other classmates.

Daniella Balducci
Mar 22, 2022

The power of display can be a good or a bad thing. Posting work can get students to want to compete with each other and do better. It can also cause students to feel bad about themselves if they are not up with the top of their peers.

Katelyn Barfield
Mar 21, 2022

I like the idea of showing off students work whether it's art work or school work. It makes students want to do even better on their school work. Especially if students know that there is a parent teacher night and their parents may see their work they will want to do even better.

Victoria Abernathy
Mar 21, 2022

The power of display is something that I intend on using in my art classes. Students will be motivated to put up their best work, especially if there is an incentive behind it.

Allison Burrage
Mar 19, 2022

When teachers put students' work up for everyone to see it gives that student confidence and makes them feel proud of what they did and feels accomplished. This can make the student want to work even harder so that they get their work put up again.

Will Little
Mar 17, 2022

When a student is motivated to do exceptional work for the display, I feel like they may work harder to learn the information to the best of their ability.

Lawson Eudy
Mar 17, 2022

Displaying the students work can make them feel proud and keep them wanting to keep it up.

Allie Perdue
Mar 16, 2022

I can definitely see why having student work displayed or put into some sort of portfolio would be good for everyone. For the students, it is exciting to see their own work that way, and for parents it is nice to be able to see their child's best work and see what they are doing and get more involved.

Katelyn Sifford
Mar 15, 2022

Displaying work displays the learning. It makes students proud of themselves to see their hard work up for everyone to see. This can motivate students as well as parents to help their child learn. Getting parents to see their child’s progress is amazing.

Students getting excited it enhances their learning. I would love to see more parents involved.