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49 Comment(s)

Mar 19, 2024

I love the thought of students having the ability to influence their learning environment and being able to customize their physical learning spaces.

Mar 15, 2024

I love how the article states that student centered learning is important as it allows for students to feel like their opinion and voice matters.

Sarah Coble
Mar 13, 2024

In America, we have a voice, a choice, and freedom. We must allow our students to use their voice in a classroom, in a respectful manner. We must teach students how to use these privileges when they enter the real world.

Haley McManus
Mar 12, 2024

Students can have such an impact on the world, therefore it is important to let them know the power they hold and encourage them to use it for good. As educators, we can provide them with the skills they need to make a difference.

Apr 17, 2023

I really like the ideas of students having a voice and choice when it comes to their education, at the end of the day we must be flexible to how students learn in order to them engaged in the process of learning and growing as human beings.

Jordan Byrd
Mar 25, 2023

Having students' voices heard is so important to them and the teacher because the teacher wants the students to feel safe and comfortable. They can be more involved with the globe if we as educators just listen to the ideas.

Skylar Price
Mar 22, 2023

It is very important for teachers to make sure students feel safe and comfortable with having a voice. Having a voice as a student leads to many different things that will help them in the future.

Mar 20, 2023

Having a voice as students helps form a sense of identity and purpose. It's our jobs as educators to make sure they can project that voice out into the world in a respectful and mindful way.

Abby Talley
Mar 20, 2023

I love the concept of student-centered learning because it invests students in their learning so much more and demonstrates their value as individuals!

Alexandra Stancell
Mar 20, 2023

Making everything future friendly allows everyone to have their own voice to help connect.

giving students a voice will help them to be more involved in global matters.

Ashley Tucker
Mar 19, 2023

all schools need to adapt to the changing world. We need to provide knowledge and connect globally.

Megan Davis
Mar 19, 2023

This shows the principles and indicators that schools should integrate to become "future friendly." Giving students a voice helps them become more engaged in their learning, and allows them to become better global citizens.

Elizabeth Jones
Mar 19, 2023

This is saying that good schools incorporate global organizations to get diverse perspectives and that learning should be student centered.

Jessie Talent
Mar 18, 2023

The students needs can be seen in this information. The student is always the most important ones because they are getting an education which we have already received. Students deserve to be heard.

Cassie Barnes
Mar 17, 2023

This infographic focuses heavily on relationship building whether that is through different schools, peers, organizations, and more. I think it is important to show the benefits of cooperation and working together because this will be expected of them in the future and will allow them to build a routine or tolerance for working with people who hey may not necessarily agree with.

Maddy Howard
Mar 16, 2023

I love the idea of student voice and centering the learning around the students as this promotes engagement and a deeper level of learning. I also like the idea of global learning as in the career place you never know who your coworkers might be or who you might be working for or with, so it's good to have a general understanding of everyone.

Bridget Benitez
Mar 15, 2023

I like how this infographic is student centered and really focusing on the students needs. I personally feel like students should have voices and choices within the learning, and their needs.

Jahmik Bell
Mar 15, 2023

The graph helps educators to better understand how to meet the needs of the students as learners. The form also shows that when students feel accepted they will have a better outcome in school and in the classroom.

When students get to express things that affect them, they feel more respected and give respect. Students will grow more when they feel like they are being heard.

Airen Bosher
Apr 22, 2022

This graphic allows us to help guide an effective plan to help develop better global citizenship in the classroom. I like how it focuses on students and then works more significantly as a school-wide understanding to show a bigger picture.

This is a good thing to implement in school plans and development.

Caitlin Singleton
Mar 26, 2022

Each student has a particular learning style and you have to work around your students. Students need to share their feelings and opinions, so a teacher can grow and adjust to their needs.

Jacob Miller
Mar 24, 2022

Global learning is one that I liked from this list because it has both educators and students involvled. Being globally aware is something that both teachers and students would have to work at.

dymond haith
Mar 22, 2022

I liked how they have a student's voice I feel like your students should be able to share and voice their feelings and views no matter what. your classroom is meant to be a safe place where everyone feels welcome.

Amarius Barnes
Mar 21, 2022

I think every voice is valuable and should be heard in the learning environment. Students need to share their thoughts, ideas, views, perspectives, and opinions so that everyone can learn from each other building that collaborative learning environment we learned about earlier.

Daniella Balducci
Mar 21, 2022

Each student has a different need and their learning should be focused on that. That is where student learning comes in and helps benefits students during lessons.

Stephanie R Juarez
Mar 21, 2022

Every student should be able to have and express their ideas while learning. By doing so, students can create their own experiences and make the best out of each course and materials.

cody stevenson
Mar 21, 2022

student centered learning is very helpful for all students in the fact of being able to have a better enviormnet to work in and also having rules that are fair to the student and the teacher.

Mar 18, 2022

Student center learning is the best thing to bring to a learning environment, students are diverse and have different educational needs so by centering the learning around them you may be able to help foster growth in education.

Katelyn Barfield
Mar 18, 2022

I think it is important to encourage students to voice their thoughts in the classroom about whatever topic is being discussed. By allowing for an environment that allows for this students can learn even deeper as well as learn new ideas from their peers. They may learn something or see something from a different perspective and it would be something they may not have ever thought of if their peer never brought it up.

Emma Bullin
Mar 18, 2022

Students should be able to have opinions when learning and should voice them. It is important that students have part in their learning so they can get the most out of each lesson.

Amber Maxwell
Mar 18, 2022

I really did enjoy reading this article. I really enjoyed the student voice section of this article. I think that it is great that students are able to have a voice and are able to include their interest in their learning goals. I am a huge believer in students being apart in customizing their learning.

Victoria Abernathy
Mar 17, 2022

I absolutely agree that student-centered learning and student voices are important in the educational setting. Students should not only feel comfortable enough to voice their opinions, but also comfortable enough with each other to challenge them and learn more from their peers.

Brooklyn Arrowood
Mar 16, 2022

I really think that this is important, students should always be able to voice their opinions and have a part in their learning

Allison Burrage
Mar 15, 2022

One of the biggest things I notice about this is student-centered learning. This is something I completely agree with, I feel that students should be able to voice their opinion, have a say in their learning and express their creativity.

Will Little
Mar 15, 2022

I agree that student voice includes an applicable learning environment and student centered learning.

Allie Perdue
Mar 15, 2022

I agree that student centered learning is important, and appreciate that it mentioned things like global learning and school culture in particular.

Lawson Eudy
Mar 15, 2022

Student centered learning is important because it allows the students to express and engage them in conversation.

Ruth Fallen
Mar 15, 2022

After looking at this download I feel that student-centered learning is important because they are the ones looking for the education being provided that best helps them learn. If students have a real interest in something they are more likely to learn, hearing from students is a tool that educators can use to their advantage.

Katelyn Sifford
Mar 14, 2022

Student centered learning helps students learn more about their cultures as well as globally where they stand and how they can make a difference.

Christina Cassidy
May 5, 2021

I agree that teaching global awareness is incredibly important , due to the fact our community and laws are changing based on the several additions to culture views in the US , also Centered learning is very helpful to students as it gives the student opportunities to learn and understand things in a deeper and more knowledgeable environment.

I feel that student centered learning is important. I think that this is important because students should be able to express how they feel about a topic.

Matthew Coble
Mar 29, 2021

After diving into and learning about these cultures and we teach these things to students, we let them find out new things through their research.

Kendall Mauldin
Mar 29, 2021

I like that one of the aspects is student centered learning, it is so important for students to be involved in their own learning.

Alyson Hilburn
Mar 28, 2021

Global competence is something that can be taught within all subjects by allowing the students to have a voice and obtain their own views and opinions.

Educators need to teach integrate global issues and perspective across the curriculum in every subject.

Landon Orrand
Mar 26, 2021

I love that it mentions allowing students to influence their learning environment. When students have a say in the things that effect them, they are bound to respect them more. In turn, they feel respected because they get a say in what impacts them.

Jason Ritter
Mar 26, 2021

It is important for educators to incorporate global issues and perspectives into their daily curriculum.

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