How to Start a Movement | Derek Sivers
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The part of this video that stuck out to me the most was the fact that everyone is equal. Although it takes leaders and supporters to start a movement, all positions should be treated equally.
Every individual in a movement is important. There is no such thing as a movement without a leader, followers, and supporters. We must have strong leaders to follow. They are the face of the movement.
In a movement, the leader and followers are both important. Leaders are not leaders without followers. A movement needs both to occur.
Starting a movement is important for people to voice their ideas but we should also always think about others and their opinions and respect it. Everyone deserves a chance to talk out what they think.
Starting a movement is the bravery to stand up for what you believe, but also listening to what others have to say as well.
I think Derek Sivers did a great job on explaining how its the first one to follow a leader that really sparks the movement and can be the bravest one. The leader needs to be brave enough to start it but the follower needs to brave enough to believe in something that's not originally his own.
To start a movement you need to be ready for anything because anything could happen.
Starting a movement requires the courage to stand up for what you believe in and continuing a movement requires the ability to listen to others!
One thing that really stood out to me is that everyone is equal and should be treated as such. Yes, they play different roles in the formation of the movement but what is important is that they are there together.
A leader needs to stand up, be confident, embraces others as equals, etc. Followers turn a leader into the leader, both emulate more followers. Leadership is over glorified, but really it is the first follower that turns the lone nut into a group. They teach others to follow.
When it comes to a movement it should be led by a strong leader. Someone who will stand firm in what they believe in. Someone who will be willing to listen and work well with others.
A movement must have a strong leader who stand firm in their beliefs but also is willing to listen and understand others.
The ted talk shows funnily; yes, it takes one person to lead and start the idea. However, it does not matter if that first person does not believe in creating a movement.
if you believe in something, stand up and fight for what you believ in, thats the reason why this country exsits is to have those freedoms.
A person who is starting a movement for standing up for what they believe in.
Starting a movement is when someone stands up for what they believe in. However, when a person starts a movement it is important to listen to others. Implementing their opinions and addressing and or fixing their problems. There are also a lot of risks and rewards that come with starting a movement.
A person who starts a movement is standing up for what they believe in and what they believe is right. This may appear frightening because many others may oppose the concept, but it is influential because it shows others that they can do the same.
When starting a movement, a person needs to be able to receive praise and backlash because although you have people who agree with you there are always people who will not agree. You need to be able to take both of those taking the positives is easier but taking the negatives is a little more challenging. You need to be strong when participating or starting a movement.
When starting a movement it is very important to have a strong individual that is willing to accept change and understand others opinions
Starting a movement comes with a lor of reward but also with a lot of risks. To start a movement a person has to be a leader with thick skin and a strong mind.
It takes a really strong person to start a movement because it is very intimidating.
Standing up for what you believe in and starting a movement to bring awareness to that belief can be very scary and intimidating. However, it is always amazing to see what people can accomplish when they but that fear aside and stand up for what they believe in and the changes that follow that decision.
Starting a movement is extremely intimidating. It takes a strong leader AND a strong first follower to truly get the ball rolling.
Starting a movement can be very scary especially if you are by yourself but all it takes is one person who is willing to make a change happen and put in the time. Starting a movement, making a stand, and bringing people together is what a true leader looks like.
Starting a movement of any kind is scary but it just takes one person to be brave enough to stand up and say enough is enough and that a change is needed. Once this one individual stands up others find the courage and show how important it is to work as a team and how the movement started.
By understanding leadership and being able to lead in a specific movement, it shows integrity and honor. Being able to lead while also working together shows how essential leadership is to begin a movement.
Starting a movement starts with a brave individual which creates a group that works together as a team. It is important to understand how a movement starts.
All members of a movement are important, since the first few inspire more to join, but as it grows, even the last few are inspiring more to join. This is definitely interesting to think about. Since it is sometimes easier just to think of the first few members of a movement as the most important, but even the last few were doing important things.
I like the idea of the first follower being a leader as well as they take on the responsibility of seeming crazy as something acceptable. Making one person a movement and it all begins with seeming crazy. Making the movement socially acceptable means nurturing the first few people as equals so that you are in it together. The followers make the leaders so you need to be the person to join in.
A "movement" starts with one. It starts with a brave individual who decides that he/she can. We must remember that standing alone is the first step to change. To be a leader, you have to be bold and take a leap. Be courageous enough to follow what and who you believe in!
Mar 16, 2024