Pedagogical Documentation

Essential Question

Why is it important to document student learning, and how can we do so?


Read: Pedagogical Documentation (pdf)

> What are your thoughts on "Pedagogical Documentation"? Share below or click here to see what others are saying.

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Review:Documenting Projects Toolkit from EL Education (web resource with videos)

> What are your thoughts on "Documenting Projects Toolkit"? Share below or click here to see what others are saying.

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Read: The Power of Documentation in a Reggio-Inspired Classroom (article)

> What are your thoughts on "The Power of Documentation in a Reggio-Inspired Classroom"? Share below or click here to see what others are saying.

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Explore: Examples of documentation shared back with learners (website)

> What are your thoughts on "Examples of documentation shared back with learners"? Share below or click here to see what others are saying.

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Share: Please share one or more digital tools you can use to support pedagogical documentation. Post a brief description of the tool and include relevant links.

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