Module 4 Explorers

Jun 19, 2019 at 7:21 PM by Honor Moorman

Reflect on your learning from Module 4 and respond to the following questions:

  • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?
  • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?

Please read and respond to at least 1 of your colleagues’ reflections.

Next, you can level up to Module 4 Investigator, or jump ahead to Module 5.

10 Replies

Carolyn Brown
Sep 26, 2019 at 3:23 PM

  1. I think the idea of unintended consequences in systems is the most valuable both for me and for my students to understand.  What we do doesn't just impact us, and our actions don't always have outcomes we expect.  Students (indeed, all people) need to consider how their actions might affect systems and people around them.
  2. Students need to see that even small projects can take a great deal of work, and even good things can create problems.  When students realize these things, they can begin figuring out how to mitigate the problems.

Kathryn Guyette
Mar 25, 2021 at 12:52 PM

(Initial Post) 

  1. I think inquiry is most valuable as it is about supporting the curiosity in someone and allowing for exploration of that. It is more meaningful as it answers your own questions. It is more engaging and impactful to learn from a individuals own curiosity of a subject. 
  2. Students need to be able to realize that small or big projects can make positive impacts or can create new problems. It is the process in which you think, create, and redesign which is the most impactful to be able to achieve social innovation.  

    Emily King
    Mar 25, 2021 at 3:27 PM

    1. I think unintended consequences in systems is very important not only for me as an educator but students as well.Students should know there are direct results of their actions good and bad. 
    2. This will allow students to see all projects matter big and smaller. Projects can make change that is in a good or bad way. When students see this they will starting finding solutions to problems.

    Emily Jackson
    Mar 26, 2021 at 12:29 AM

    • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?
    • As I've read others' responses, I again agree students understanding choices they make have a consequence. We cannot assume each child is taught that so we may be the only ones to help them understand that.
    • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st-century skills, and develop global competence? Students will understand why negative or bad they end up how they do. One small bad decision will lead to a bad narrow path. Don't begin with one small thing because it will get big as time flows.

    Emily Jackson
    Mar 26, 2021 at 12:32 AM

    Kathryn, I liked how you mentioned curiosity.  Many adults I feel look down on that. They may feel it's unprofessionally or risky but many times will end great. In some situations, until an action is taken people may not know what the outcome will be.

    Mar 29, 2021 at 10:55 AM

    Kathryn, I agree that supporting student curiosity is so important and that students are more likely to engage when their own questions are being explored and answered.

    Katelyn Sifford
    Mar 15, 2022 at 9:28 AM

    I like how you mentioned curiosity as it is so important to learning but I think that inquiry, pedagogical documentation and systems thinking go hand in hand and apply to almost anything.

    I like the idea of small and big projects working together for learning you did a great job at explaining how they impact the student as a whole.

    Allison Burrage
    Mar 19, 2022 at 11:25 PM

    • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?

    I think inquiry is the most valuable because it allows students to guide their own learning. Inquiry-based learning can be successful because if students are interested in what they are learning they are more likely to be more engaged. 

    • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?

    Students need to understand that big or small projects can have a good impact or make new problems. 


    Emily, I agree that one small decision will lead to a bad narrow path.

    Brooklyn Arrowood
    Mar 23, 2022 at 1:03 PM

    I really like your post and agree 

    Madison Halsey
    Mar 20, 2023 at 3:51 PM

    I love how you stress exploring, as this is the best way for a young students to learn. I also like how you can make this learning style fit big-world issues and small-world issues as this help bridge the connection for how one person can help. 

    Elizabeth Jones
    Mar 21, 2023 at 10:03 PM

    I agree. Inquiry is very important. Everyone can learn but you have to want to learn and be willing to step out of your comfort zone to find the answers to your questions. 

    Kathryn Guyette
    Mar 25, 2021 at 12:54 PM


    Hello Carolyn! I love the idea of unintended consequences for students to understand. The unintended consequences can be the most impactful whether it impacted the individual or others that it was not intended to impact. 

    Emily King
    Mar 25, 2021 at 3:29 PM

    Hey Carolyn! I also said that unintended consequences is an important subject for students to thoroughly understand. They should know they are not the only person impacted by some decisions. 

    Jason Ritter
    Mar 26, 2021 at 12:44 PM

    (Initial Post)

    Pedagogical documentation opens people up to relations and meanings throughout the world.  It’s issues or concerns that we as a society have not thought of or even know to exist. Pedagogical documentation invites us to be inquiring and to collaborate with others on a global scale about the effects of society on our children.  Students need to understand what is happening around the world, in order for them to form ideas and how they may have a positive impact on our global society.

    Mar 20, 2022 at 2:39 PM

    I really enjoyed your post and also believe that it's very important for students to understand these real world problems and I love how you included that the global scale is important to show how much these problems are really effecting our world today. 

    Jason Ritter
    Mar 26, 2021 at 12:49 PM


    Carolyn, I like your comment about unintended consequences for students to understand. The unintended consequences can be useful for students to understand what their impact can be on a global society.

    Taylor Carroll
    Mar 29, 2021 at 7:07 PM

    • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why? I think the most important thing to take from this is to teach students that not all actions have a predictable outcome. Some things don't go as planned. 
    • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence? By incorporating these, I will be able to show students that decisions are meant to be thought through and not always jump to conclusion. 

    Cassie Barnes
    Mar 20, 2023 at 10:50 AM

    I think it is important that we weigh out the pros and cons of our decisions because even though we may believe we are choosing the right answer things happen and we must be prepared to adjust to acquire a new result.  It is also always important to have a back up plan formed in case your on-the-spot problem-solving skills do not help you.

    Katelyn Sifford
    Mar 15, 2022 at 9:26 AM

    • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?
    • I find the aspect of things being interdisciplinary very valuable because students must understand that they can use Al of these skills at once instead of only using them separately. Seeing the importance of being interdisciplinary through systems thinking can allow for better thinking when participating in inquiry allowing for more accurate pedagogical documentation.
    • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?
    • They can see how their ideas may be different but also how they can all come together for one cause. The multiple pathways to learning and solving a problem.

    Ruth Fallen
    Mar 20, 2022 at 11:30 AM

    Initial Post: 

    1. What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?

      I find the aspect of that not all actions have predictable outcomes. This shows that each action has a different outcome and sometimes you cannot predict what can happen.  

      2. How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?

      The students can see how the ideas can differ but come together for one combined idea.  There are multiple ways to solve a problem especially with all the advances in the twenty first century.

      Katelyn, I like how you mentioned that even though someone has a different solution or idea, if you bring them together there is a new way to solve something that neither would have thought about before.  

      Katelyn Barfield
      Mar 21, 2022 at 5:13 PM

      Hi Katelyn, 

      I too agree that by incorporating these into our classrooms will allow them to learn to problem-solve different situations and think in a deeper manner which in turn will lead to a deeper understanding on the different concepts. Great post!

      Daniella Balducci
      Mar 23, 2022 at 11:08 AM

      I think your idea of collaboration is going to be big in the classroom

      Kendra N Davis
      Mar 29, 2022 at 10:49 AM

      Hey Katelyn,  I think your post was really well written. I also think it will help students to think in a far greater manner.

      Lawson Eudy
      Mar 17, 2022 at 4:38 PM

      • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?
      • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?

      What I find most valuable is allowing the students to lead some type of learning in the classroom. 
      I will incorporate this by allowing class discussions and maybe letting them pick out what assignments to do.

      Will Little
      Mar 17, 2022 at 8:11 PM

      • Initial post
      • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?
      • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?

      I think that documentation and teamwork is a positive thing to incorporate into the classroom and with students because it allows for students to be responsible for their work. 
      I will incorporate teamwork as an PE teacher in a plethora of activities which will teach students the importance of positive collaboration. 

      Mar 20, 2022 at 2:37 PM

      1. I think the idea of unintended consequences is a great idea for students to understand because i believe that also entails and encapsules real world issues. 
      2. They need to learn that these projects take a lot of work and hard work at that. Things take time and research as well as don't come together in one night. Students will have to learn how to pace themselves and pull together more than one idea in a collaborative way. 

      Katelyn Barfield
      Mar 21, 2022 at 5:02 PM

      • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?
      • I really like inquiry learning because I think students learn more by having them find answer to their own questions and encouraging them to push themselves to learn more about what they may be confused or have questions on. 
      • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?
      • It will help students to understand how go about problem-solving issues they may run into when they are working on these projects. It also gives them knowledge of how to go about solving real world problems that they may face in the future. 

      Daniella Balducci
      Mar 23, 2022 at 11:07 AM

      • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?
        • The aspect I think is most important is that actions and behaviors have consequences but they also can make a bigger impact then they thing. Many times, students will do things without thinking or just because they want to. That causes so problems. Also students can do things to impact them and those around them by just being who they are a doing the small things.
      • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?
        • Incorporating pedagogies in my social innovation project will help gain meaningful engagement. Students will feel drive and determination to be apart of the project.

      Stephanie R Juarez
      Mar 27, 2022 at 11:34 PM

      Initial Post 

      In my opinion, inquiry is the best way of thinking since it allows pupils to research interesting concepts and important concerns. Inquiry-based learning, questioning, critical thinking, and the creative generation of new knowledge are just as vital (if not more so) as research-based learning. These pedagogies will help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st-century skills, and develop global competence by having them guide their learning.

      Emma Bullin
      Mar 28, 2022 at 2:49 PM

      Initial post

      • I think that is is very important for students to learn that actions have consequences. The student will learn to think before they do if they understand this. 
      • Incorporating pedagogies in to social innovation will help students gain meaningful engagement.  


      Allie, I agree that students may feel more accomplished if they think on their own and if they have a voice in their learning. 

      Stephanie R Juarez
      Mar 28, 2022 at 3:27 PM

      Hey Emma! I agree that pupils should understand that their acts have repercussions so that they will know what not to do. Regardless, if they do, action will be taken. I also believe that social innovation pedagogies will assist students in gaining meaningful participation. They will be enthralled by the subject and eager to solve the problem.

      Jacob Miller
      Mar 28, 2022 at 6:46 PM

      Initial post-

      • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?   I think that documentation is the most valuable.  Having documentation can help teachers learn from past mistakes, have better insight on certain students, and can help students see their own work to get better.
      • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?   This will help the students solve real world problems.  Using documentation as an adult can help solve issues in their work lives. 

      Mar 28, 2022 at 11:31 PM

      I think that the most important aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation is that students understand that their actions and behaviors have consequences or reward. This will teach students to take a moment to think before they say or do things.

      incorporating these pedagogies into social innovation projects will help students to learn to think about things in a deeper way so that they don't make bad decisions that they might regret.

      Kendra N Davis
      Mar 29, 2022 at 10:48 AM

      (Initial Post)

      1. I think that keeping some sort of documentation is most important, I feel as though it can help the teacher as well as the student more. 
      2. Using documentation will help you to keep everything organized and in reach. 

      Maddy Howard
      Mar 17, 2023 at 9:28 PM

      I need to adopt this strategy! The idea of organization is just as important to the teacher and students!

      Maddy Howard
      Mar 17, 2023 at 9:26 PM


      • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?

      I like the use of teaching hands-on and with visuals as I have seen these things be the most beneficial to students.

      • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st-century skills, and develop global competence?

      Videos, research websites, books, brainstorm mapping, etc.

      Cassie Barnes
      Mar 20, 2023 at 10:46 AM

      Initial Post

      • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?
        • Aspects of these I find valuable is the focus on student-centered learning and student voice/choice. I find these valuable because students need to have to ability to construct their own learning to understand materials from their own point of view. While work sheets and papers allow for the same things to occur naturally it is more difficult on the students end and they will lose motivation.
      • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?
        • These pedagogies will help students understand that learning is a process like the scientific method. You must form a question, discuss possible solutions, participate in a project or assignment designated to build your understanding of the concept, record the results, and the answer the question. 

      Makayla Marie Eastman
      Mar 20, 2023 at 11:40 AM

      1- I think the systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation encourages students to have their own voice and allows them to also choose their own choices. This allows them to use critical thinking and see the idea of cause and effect.

      2-Using these skills will help students see the process of figuring things out. Hypothesis, testing theories and answering the questions with the most information rather than guessing.

      Madison Halsey
      Mar 20, 2023 at 3:49 PM

      Initial post 

      • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?

      All aspects of this system are essential, but we need to stress the areas of behaviors as these things can come back in the future to help or hurt us. As this can help them relate their problems to a real-world setting. 

      • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?

      It will help with the connection of the real-world and these issues. Learning about issues across the ocean is another thing to see that your own parents or even you are not helping in these social issues that are in our own backyard. 

      Morgan Shrader
      Mar 20, 2023 at 11:34 PM


      • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?
        • I think collaboration is the most valuable and will take many students a long way. A lot of jobs today use collaboration and it is good to start that type of learning at a young age. Asking questions and trial and error are skills that will be used often and are good to learn early.
      • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?
        • These pedagogies will impact my social innovation project by allowing students to get used to those 21st century skills. If students are never in the environment to be around questioning and opinions that might not line up with theirs, how will they be able to understand others that come from different backgrounds and are raised with completely different ideals and cultures?



      I also think it is important for students to learn about all issues not only in the US. It can also be beneficial to understand other's backgrounds and cultures. 

      Haley McManus
      Mar 13, 2024 at 9:05 PM

      I really like how you touched on children differing in opinions and having to build the collaboration skill! I believe that skill is so important.

      Haley McManus
      Mar 13, 2024 at 9:04 PM

      • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?

      I think the aspect of students exploring through experimentation of their personal questions is valuable. This engages the children and promotes critical thinking and problem solving.

      • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?

      This helps students dig into their surroundings, becoming more aware and creating a solution-finding mindset. They will learn deeper though the hands-on activities and less direct individual instruction.

      Mar 27, 2024 at 3:24 PM

      (Initial Post)

      • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?

      I think allowing students to have control over their learning is an important aspect. When they feel like they have some control over their learning they are more confident and achieve more. 

      • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?

      This will help students feel confident and encourage them to work harder and achieve more.

      Sandra Holshouser
      Mar 28, 2021 at 3:16 PM

      1. I find most valuable is the actions of a student and just how it affects others. 
      2. Students need to understand that projects can cause problems that they need to work it out.  This will make them be more successful.

      Alyson Hilburn
      Mar 28, 2021 at 4:54 PM

      (Initial Response)

      1. What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?
        1. I think it is a key aspect for students to learn that actions and behaviors have consequences, good and bad. By knowing this, students will learn to think before they say or do something. 
      2. How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?
        1. By incorporating this pedagogy practice, students will begin to understand that decisions require thought because, little to no thought before jumping to a conclusion can lead to bad decisions and behaviors. 

      Alyson Hilburn
      Mar 28, 2021 at 4:55 PM


      Hi Sandra! I agree with you that one key aspect of pedagogy practice in a class is actions and consequences. 

      Mar 28, 2021 at 10:36 PM


      The aspect of systems thinking I find most important is the idea of the bigger picture. If we help students make connections across their learning, they will come to a deeper understanding and valuing of the material they are learning. As for inquiry and pedagogical documentation, the key aspect of those practices is engagement. Inquiry-based learning allows students to take control of their learning, and documentation of their learning will lead to a greater engagement and collaboration from students. 

      Incorporating these pedagogies in my classroom will, like I said above, increase engagement and allow students to take control of their learning. By letting students explore, they will come across different global and social issues; they will come across new technologies and ideas for social innovation. Then, once each student brings their findings to the table and documents what they learn, we can create a community of learning. 

      (Reply to Alyson)

      Alyson, I did not think about the implications these practices have on behavior. By exploring and learning on their own, students will come to learn about the consequences of actions. Good point!

      Taylor Carroll
      Mar 29, 2021 at 7:08 PM

      I agree that how a decision affects others is the most important!

      (Initial Post)

      1. I think that putting students in charge of their learning is important. I think this because it makes the students feel more proud of themselves when they accomplish something. 

      2. I will incorporate this by letting my students help me sometimes with picking assignments and letting them have class discussions about the topics they are comfortable with, 

      Will Little
      Mar 17, 2022 at 8:12 PM

      I agree that student should oftentimes be responsible for some of their education and learning because it teaches students the power of being responsible and independent learning. 

      Hi Sandra, I think that helping your students understand that projects can cause problems that they need to work it out is a great thing to do. 

      Allie Perdue
      Mar 16, 2022 at 4:06 PM


      1. I think that allowing students to make some decisions about their education is something that is important. If they are allowed to make these decisions they will feel more accomplished and might even learn more deeply. 
      2. I will incorporate this by finding ways to take in student opinions and then make sure they know that these are valued and used when possible. 

      Lawson Eudy
      Mar 17, 2022 at 4:39 PM

      I think it is important that the students know that actions have good and bad consequences.

      Mar 29, 2021 at 10:51 AM

      • I find the idea of students understanding that their actions affect others, and not just themselves, and that there are good and bad consequences for their actions to be most important.
      • By using this pedagogy in my classroom, students will learn the importance of thinking through a decision and considering all possible outcomes.

      Kendall Mauldin
      Mar 29, 2021 at 8:19 PM

      I think it is so important for students to know and understand that their actions effect all of the people around them. Their actions can cause happiness, pain, or sadness and even though it may be unintended it is still felt  deeply by others. 


      I agree with you, students understanding their actions affect others.

      Paula Almond
      Apr 3, 2021 at 12:55 PM

      Hi Katie,

      Helping students understand the affect of their actions on those around them is important.  It's also very hard for the younger students.

      Allie Perdue
      Mar 16, 2022 at 4:08 PM

      Hi Katie, I agree with what you said. It is definitely important that students understand the impacts that their actions can have on the people around them, and finding ways to teach that is very difficult. 

      Apr 24, 2023 at 2:12 PM

      I agree children should always think about the outcomes they can create by doing certain things.

      Kendall Mauldin
      Mar 29, 2021 at 8:18 PM

      1. I think the most important aspect of is for students to understand that everything must be managed like with systems and that all actions have consequences. 

      2. I think by adding these aspects into my social innovation I can allow students to find questions, answer those questions and create solutions to problems that exist in the world by asking questions and making inquiry's. 

      Paula Almond
      Mar 30, 2021 at 7:20 AM

      I think there are two that are equally important:

      1. unintended consequences - so many of our students do not realize the impact their actions have on people around them ; they are sadly very self-centered.
      2. supporting their curiosity - when students find a subject they become interested in, as teachers we should encourage them to explore and expand their learning.

      Incorporating these pedagogies in my social innovation project will help because it will bring attention to letting them know that even small choices can make big impacts, butt allowing them to explore their curiosity in the right manner can lead to amazing gains for not only them but those around them.

      Victoria Abernathy
      Mar 21, 2022 at 11:23 AM

      • (Not a reply to the comment above)
      • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?
      • I find the idea that a simple action can affect everyone around us so crucial to our students. I feel that this is something that should be a leading part of classroom discussion so that students truly understand this concept. 
      • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?
      • Incorporating these pedagogies in my project and classroom will increase engagement amongst my students. If the children feel like they are making a difference, and what they are doing is meaningful and not just busy work, they are more likely to enjoy it and want to be a part of it. 

      (Reply to lawson)

      I completely agree with you! Leadership is such an important part of having a successful classroom. I liked that you mentioned that you would allow your students to chose what assignments they have. This gives them more power, and control in the classroom and creates an environment where they are more likely to want to do their work. 

      dymond haith
      Mar 23, 2022 at 7:55 PM

      • I like inquiry learning because you allow your students to think alone and come up with the answer it isn't given which all them to take that each step.a way 
      • I will incorporate these projects to help with deeper learning by allowing students to do things on their own. I will allow them to be creative and do a lot of hands-on work so they will be moving around.

      dymond haith
      Mar 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

      Victoria , I like how you talked about what would increase the engagement of your students that is very important 

      Brooklyn Arrowood
      Mar 23, 2022 at 1:02 PM

      1. I believe that inquiry is most valuable when it is being supported such as the students understanding why we are learning a certain topic and how it relates to the real world. The students will engage more to learn from an individual's own curiosity about a subject. 
      2. Students need to be able to realize that small or big projects can make positive impacts or can create new problems. 

      dymond haith
      Mar 23, 2022 at 7:58 PM

      Brooklyn, I agree I also said inquiry just because I feel like this is giving the students a chance to use prior knowledge and other tools to think of the answer instead of just telling them.

      Airen Bosher
      Apr 22, 2022 at 6:42 PM


      • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?

      The inquiry is most valuable as it allows the kids to control their learning which keeps them engaged and open to learning. I  also like how it opens the door for a collaborative environment free of judgment. 

      • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st century skills, and develop global competence?

      I think inquiry learning is the type of learning style I would use to allow them to explore and come up with a solution to a social innovation project that I help guide them to. 


      Hey Brooklyn 

      I agree with how students engage more and relate the unit topic to the real world. I also think it was great for you to point out that small or big, it still matters, and students should see that. 

      Sarah Coble
      Mar 13, 2024 at 8:06 PM


      I felt inquiry learning was most valuable as well. It ties into the C-model, critical thinking, and real-world problem-solving perfectly! Students will be more engaged in learning through the inquiry method.

      Ashley Tucker
      Apr 3, 2023 at 4:55 PM

      1. I think that unintended consequences is the most valuable. It is important to both student and teacher. We learn and know that there are consequences for the choices made.
      2. Students learn that projects can be big or small. Students learn to be better problem solvers.

      Apr 24, 2023 at 2:11 PM

      (initial post)

      • Inquiry is the most valuable I believe it is a stage where kids should take control of their learning and find ways to truly understand knowledge being delivered and not just memorizing.
      • I believe incorporating this helps students come up with solutions to any society issues going on and create big change.

      Sarah Coble
      Mar 13, 2024 at 8:04 PM

      Initial Post

      • What aspects of systems thinking, inquiry, and/or pedagogical documentation do you find most valuable, and why?

      I like inquiry learning. As someone who is a visual and hands-on learner, I find myself loving the idea of using inquiry-based learning in my future classroom.

      • How will incorporating these pedagogies in your social innovation project help students engage in deep learning, gain 21st-century skills, and develop global competence?

      Through inquiry learning, I can incorporate critical thinking and real-world problem-solving. Inquiry learning ties into deep learning perfectly. Inquiry learning will give the initiative to solve any problem, big or small.

      Mar 17, 2024 at 10:02 AM

      • The part of inquiry that I found to be the most valuable was understanding and asking questions. Being able to ask good, thought out questions is half of what science truly is. The best scientists are those who are curious. These pedagogies allow for students to realize that even small changes can lead to a big change in the world. 

      Mar 17, 2024 at 10:03 AM

      • Hey Katelyn, I agree with you that interdisciplinary is valuable as it encourages engagement.