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92 Comment(s)

Brooklyn Settle
Mar 17, 2024

Social innovation is necessary!

Mar 17, 2024

Social innovation is the process of coming up with new and original ideas to solve problems. Doing so, this will lead to an effective way to make a beneficial change. Therefore, social innovation is a very important concept.

Mar 13, 2024

Social innovation is the new practices that are taking place that aim to meet social needs more accurately and effectively than practices that exist.

Andreau B
Mar 13, 2024

Social innovation is all about finding new and creative ways to solve social problems. It's exciting because it can lead to real, positive changes in our communities. Whether it's through new technologies, business ideas, or approaches to helping others, social innovation has the potential to make the world a better place. It's a reminder that by working together and thinking outside the box, we can create a more inclusive and sustainable future for everyone.

Mar 13, 2024

Social Innovation is noticing there is a problem in the world, addressing it head on, and attempting to make a positive change in order to unite the community.

Sarah Coble
Mar 12, 2024

Social innovation is people attempting to make positive changes by addressing situations at the root of the problem. I think social innovation is important. If we continue to ignore complex problems, there will end of being even more of them.

Haley McManus
Mar 12, 2024

I think social innovations are important! It is crucial to address complex problems in order to make positive change. Problems cannot be ignored in order to achieve the desired level of success in education.

Dec 4, 2023

Social Innovation is good to bring our whole community together in one roof

Zara E.
Nov 24, 2023

Social Innovation is the efforts of people, communities, and organizations to make positive change and solve issues in our society and environment

Mar 28, 2023

Social innovation is imperial in regards to teaching.

Jordan Byrd
Mar 24, 2023

Since Social innovation is the result of the intentional work of people trying to make positive change happen i believe that Everyone in this world can do it every single day to make our planet a better place overall to each other to mother nature itself everything.

Mar 22, 2023

Social Innovation is great as it brings the work of many people that want to create a positive change in the world.

Skylar Price
Mar 22, 2023

Social innovation is people working intentionally to solve problems at their roots, resulting in a healthy enviornment.

Michael Werny
Mar 20, 2023

Social innovation is the people working together as one to solve problems at their roots. By doing this they hope to achieve unity and a healthy environment

Mar 20, 2023

Social innovation is the result of the intentional work of people trying to make positive change happen by addressing complex problems at their roots. I have never heard of this term before, but I overall like the idea of social innovation. I can see how this would be hard to start up, to start change, but it would be worth it on all levels.

Morgan Shrader
Mar 20, 2023

Social innovation is when people and communities attempt to fix widespread problems at their root. I believe that there are a lot of problems within our systems that need to be resolved. Education, specifically, is a big one because people are seeing the impact of teachers leaving the profession and the widespread need of teachers.

Abby Talley
Mar 20, 2023

Social innovation refers to people working towards positive changes within society. They challenge the existing systems that could be improved, no matter how complex. I believe educators should strive to be social innovators within their classroom and the world.

Keeley Darbutt
Mar 20, 2023

Social innovation is important to the environment and the people that are working to change the world positively.

Madison Halsey
Mar 20, 2023

I love that this is a positive change that should be in our communities and classrooms. I also like how in-depth they went with the example of what issues we have and even some of their solutions.

Ashley Tucker
Mar 19, 2023

Social Innovation is improving our society. There are groups of people who want to put new ideas together to better the existing programs.

new ways that are to better things that are already existing

Mar 19, 2023

Social innovation is the process of using new ideas to solve problems.

Social innovation is the process in which people are actively getting involved with fixing problems within a community or society. This can be little issues, or very complex issues at the root of a social system.

Marina Hooker
Mar 19, 2023

From my perspective, social innovation is the result of those who are putting in time and effort to make a positive change in society even if there are complex roots. People all over the world are making these changes.

I liked learning about how Canada put innovations in place to help the problems in their country and honestly hope that the United states can learning from them as well. I liked seeing how important change is in a society to better not only the society but the planet as well.

Elizabeth Jones
Mar 19, 2023

Social innovation is the result of the intentional work of people trying to make a positive change to address complex problems at the roots. People all over the world are helping to make these changes so that our planet and society can thrive.

Megan Davis
Mar 17, 2023

Social innovation is the result of people making intentional choices that make a positive change to address problems. This can be a process, product, or program that changes how a system operates. I think social innovation is important because it reduces the vulnerability of people and allows them to make positive changes to their environment.

Amanda Finch
Mar 17, 2023

Social innovation is the result of the intentional work of people trying to make positive change by addressing these complex problems at the roots. I think social innovation is important because positive change is essential if you are trying to improve something.

Maddy Howard
Mar 16, 2023

Social Innovation is the result of the intentional work of people trying to make positive change, is a process, product, or program that profoundly changes, reduces the vulnerability of the people & the environment, and as a consequence of positive social innovation a system grows more resilient.

Bridget Benitez
Mar 15, 2023

I think that social innovations are beneficial to us. These systems or innovations help shape our communities and make positive changes so we can grow together. a lot benefit from the systems we create such as transportation, government, etc. Although I agree that a lot of people benefit from the systems we create, but the homeless, people who live among poverty, people who suffer from addiction, etc. do not always benefit. In a way they are forgotten and have less opportunities.

Jahmik Bell
Mar 15, 2023

Social innovation can be positive in today's society. Social innovation is the form of making positive outcomes throughout many systems.

Cassie Barnes
Mar 15, 2023

Social innovation is a way people make positive impacts on the environment around them by finding unique solutions to complex issues.

Alexandra Stancell
Mar 14, 2023

Social innovation is trying to make positive changes from the ways that some systems have operated.

Jessie Talent
Mar 14, 2023

Social innovations can not only give new ideas but also continuously improves society. The changes and improvements are man made and created to help the people within society.

Taylor K Bearden
Mar 13, 2023

Social innovation refers to the design and implementation of new solutions that imply conceptual, process, product, or organizational change, which ultimately aim to improve the welfare and wellbeing of individuals and communities.

Social innovation is a process that changes the way something operates. It benefits everyone and is a way of finding a new system that works for everyone.

Airen Bosher
Apr 22, 2022

I think social innovation matters because it helps everyone in that system. It is an excellent process to allow people to find new ways to better a system.

Social innovation is the idea of constant improvement and betterment of the community and society.

Raegan Thomas
Mar 27, 2022

Social innovation is a process that not only gives you new ideas but also shows you how to solve problems in the community/society

Jacob Miller
Mar 24, 2022

Social innovation is continuing the improvement of a community or society. Giving new ideas on how to problem solve within a society.

dymond haith
Mar 22, 2022

social innovation is creating systems like government, Justice and education, health, and economy. this is making the change that will work for everyone because people are paying attention and working together to thrive.

Mar 21, 2022

Social innovation is the process of continuing and improving the sucess of a community/society.

Reaghan Moore
Mar 21, 2022

This is something that profoundly changes to reduce the vulnerability of the people and the environment. Systems can grow to be resilient, but there are people who are committed to supporting social innovation. We all need change.

cody stevenson
Mar 21, 2022

it is the idea of bringing in new ideas to create new solutions for how certain things in our society can get better. this talk about ending poverty, homelessness, and even endangered species are talked about, and talked about to try to save with better solutions from new ideas.

cody stevenson
Mar 21, 2022

it is the idea of bringing in new ideas to create new solutions for how certain things in our society can get better. this talk about ending poverty, homelessness, and even endangered species are talked about, and talked about to try to save with better solutions from new ideas.

Kendra N Davis
Mar 19, 2022

It was a great video that explained what social innovation was.

Caitlin Singleton
Mar 19, 2022

It was a great way to explain social innovation. Social Innovation is where a process, product, or program changes that reduce the exposure of the people and the environment. They are trying to make a positive change. But it is just ad hard as changing the problem itself.

Caitlin Singleton
Mar 19, 2022

It was a great way to explain social innovation. Social Innovation is where a process, product, or program changes that reduce the exposure of the people and the environment. They are trying to make a positive change. But it is just ad hard as changing the problem itself.

Mar 18, 2022

My thoughts on social innovations start with my believe that we all need to work together as a people to survive on this planet and keep it inhabitable and sustainable. I believe that social innovation is the next step that we will take as a society in order to be able to work together and understand each other. Without social innovations in the future our society will probably not survive.

Daniella Balducci
Mar 18, 2022

Social innovation is the result of the intention work of people trying to make positive change by addressing these complex problems. Social innovation is just as hard as the problem they are trying to change.

Katelyn Barfield
Mar 18, 2022

Social Innovation is said to be the results of individuals who are trying to make a positive change to these different and complex problems that we see in our world. These individuals are able to make this change by addressing the different issues at the root of the problem. I think this is a good idea to integrate. It allows for like the video said to grow resiliance against these problems in the future and allow for growth.

Amber Maxwell
Mar 17, 2022

This video is a great way to explain the basics of social innovation and the meaning behind it.
Social Innovation reduced the vulnerability of the people and the enviornment.

Michael Werny
Mar 20, 2023

Great word and explanation of social innovation couldn't say it any better

Stephanie R Juarez
Mar 17, 2022

Social innovation is the process of developing and deploying effective solutions to challenging and often systemic social and environmental issues in support of social progress, for example, unemployment, poverty, and social exclusion. Social innovation, if done correctly, can ultimately aim to improve the welfare and wellbeing of individuals and communities.

Amarius Barnes
Mar 17, 2022

I think that social innovation is a good thing and if done correctly could make a lot of changes in the world that we need to see today. Having groups and organizations that look to socially innovate the world makes it easier for someone who is also trying to do the same thing to find their people. I think that the world needs social innovation for it to evolve into something better! It looks to target issues that affect a vast amount of people in different ways which is a wonderful thing! Thanks for reading :)

Victoria Abernathy
Mar 17, 2022

This video not only explained the impact of social innovation on us as a society, but also how it impacts us in the realm of education.

Emma Bullin
Mar 16, 2022

This video did a great job of explaining social innovation. Making positive changes is important not only in education but in life as well.

Allison Burrage
Mar 15, 2022

Social Innovation is the result of the intentional work of people trying to make a positive change. Making a positive change in the world is a great thing.

Will Little
Mar 15, 2022

Social Innovation is a process, product, or program that profoundly changes it in such a way that reduces the vulnerability of the people and the environment.

Lawson Eudy
Mar 15, 2022

This video did a great job on describing social innovation. Making changes in a positive way is important not just for education but in the world.

Ruth Fallen
Mar 15, 2022

This video explains what social innovations are in the real world. Social innovations are the roots of a lot of changes made in society and personally is something I have never really considered when lots of change was happening around me.

Brooklyn Arrowood
Mar 15, 2022

U think that with the increase of social innovation we could change many things

Katelyn Sifford
Mar 14, 2022

This video does a great job at explaining social innovations and how they are changes made for the people by the people. Social Innovations are the root of a lot of changes made in society and personally is something I haven't thought about before.

Allie Perdue
Mar 14, 2022

The video discusses how social innovation is what happens when people actively work to make positive changes in the world, and the ways in which they implement these changes. I think it is a great thing for people across all different topics, both big and small changes.

Amy Haynes
Mar 14, 2022

i am for Social Innovation to combine the topic of change with society, community, and the world.

Thomas Powers
May 27, 2021

Nice introductory video to lead to discussion on how we can be intentional about improving those systems built into and by societies.

Kendra Mayes
Apr 3, 2021

Social innovation is what happens when a group of people work towards a goal to make life easier. This can make everyday tasks easier to manage and handle. In order to see real results with innovation everyone must put in the necessary work to see a change.

Christina Cassidy
Apr 2, 2021

people working together to come up with solutions to problems.

Taylor Carroll
Mar 29, 2021

Social innovation is your outlook on the different groups of people that are found in social groups around you.

Matthew Coble
Mar 29, 2021

Our systems have helped us move forward but has left some people behind. We could do more to help others become equal and become independent.

Kendall Mauldin
Mar 29, 2021

From watching this video, it seems to be clear that social innovation is the act of trying to solve problems created by other systems of life in order to help the world and the creatures on it to survive and thrive in the future.

This video talked about how we live in systems and that some of these systems have been left out or seriously damaged and they require novel system solution. This video said that social innovation is the result of people to make positive changes to out system. After looking at this video I learned that if we make positive changes to our system it can reduce the vulnerability of the people and the environment that is in that system. A positive social innovation in a system will help the system grow more resilient.

Alyson Hilburn
Mar 28, 2021

The video states that; "Social innovation is the result of the intentional work of people trying to make positive change by addressing these complex problems at the roots.". It enforces changes, which can be helpful at times and troubling, or challenging at others.

I think that social innovation is good, it allows people to come together as a group to support change. Without this, we would have so many more problems.

Dazie Costantino
Mar 27, 2021

I feel that social innovation is important because it shows that we are always growing and changing. Social innovation shows that we are always trying to reinvent ourselves and do what is best for ourselves.

Jason Ritter
Mar 26, 2021

Social Innovation, is a concept that gives everyone an equal opportunity to succeed. As a global society, we will not be successful, if we don't incorporate programs to give everyone opportunity. Change is needed in all aspects of our global systems.

Mar 25, 2021

I believe that social innovation is very important for society but it can also be very challenging for others. Many people want to see change but others are in their comfort zone and are fine with what they have. As the video mentions, social innovation needs to be at all levels. I believe that social innovation can come to all but not at the same time it will take more time to get to different groups.

Landon Orrand
Mar 25, 2021

Growth is necessary for our society's improvement. However, we must be mindful in the problems that come with growth. Some things that we do for growth are more of a "one step forward, two steps back" deal. Social innovation is needed for the betterment and true innovation of our Earth and society as a whole.

Emily Jackson
Mar 25, 2021

Things made to organize humanity has its benefits but effects things negatively as well.

Emily King
Mar 25, 2021

social innovation is the way the world works and the systems that run the world we know today. It is the result of theintentional work of people making positive change happen.

Kathryn Guyette
Mar 25, 2021

Social Innovation is the idea that purposeful teamwork can make positive changes within society to make it a more suitable place.

Mar 24, 2021

Social innovation is people trying to make a positive change by addressing complex problems. An example is Universal Health Care. This is a great idea but can be difficult to implement because some people are closed-minded on these topics and aren't willing to help others when it comes to their money.

Mar 24, 2021

As the video stated, social innovation is intentional work to make a positive change. We would all agree that positive change is a good thing, yet we do not all agree on how this looks; this is where the difficulty lies. As educators, I feel we need to stress the importance of social innovation so our future generations can live in a system without discrimination, without environmental damage, and so on.

Miranda Ferdna
Mar 24, 2021

Social innovation is a individual or individuals that make a positive change in the world. Teachers bring a positive change into the classroom to help better students and make them succeed in life. They make a impact on how the students see the positives in someone.

Paula Almond
Mar 23, 2021

Social Innovation are new social practices that attempt to meet social needs in a better way. Using ideas to create goals of extending and strengthening civil society.

Landon Orrand
Mar 25, 2021

I agree! We need to be mindful of the ways we are meeting social needs in order to truly grow

Para mi la Innovación Social es la capacidad de todos los seres humanos de cuidar , respetar y mantener un medio ambiente sano(libre de violencia, respeto a la naturaleza, )con la capacidad de transformar nuestro entorno con la decisión y el compromiso de ser mejor colaborando con nuestra comunidad, nuestra ciudad , nuestro país y el mundo.

Dirk Visscher
Jan 19, 2021

Social innovation is something that is needed throughout the world to make the earth a habitable place for all organisms. However, it will only reach its goals, that of a general fairness where everyone is granted a corner, if all aspects collaborate together. For instance, if we only focus on poverty ensuring that the global product is raised we will probably be making incredible mistakes environmentally. Only through educating our youth, getting it in their DNA, will we be able to let the sun shine again.

Jan 17, 2021

this is the attitude we should raise our children in that they see ways on making the society better for all , when such a mindset is inculcated at the very early stages then this becomes the lifestyle , we have a task as educators to see this happening .

Silvana Carnicero
Jan 16, 2021

Social innovation has to do with making a better world for everyone to live in. It means trying not to leave anyone behind. Both the people and the environment should be protected. As teachers, we have the obligation to work on social innovation on a daily basis to foster responsible students no matter the subject we teach.

Social innovation is formed by the thoughts and actions to reduce social gaps in different areas of society.

Christine Vanderwal
Dec 19, 2019

I appreciated that this video incorporated the environment when looking at impact. My students came to a consensus earlier this year that the earth should also be viewed as a "missing voice" in societal and governmental decisions.

Mitzi Moore
Oct 3, 2019

Our school does a lot of projects about social innovation. Some people accuse us of trying to push a liberal agenda. If "liberal" means making society better, maybe we are guilty.

Lisa Bunag
Oct 3, 2019

Our school was recently accused of this as well, and we don't even talk about social innovation. I think they were mad about some SEL activities.

Carolyn Brown
Sep 26, 2019

I found it interesting that this video was specifically about Canada. I wonder what innovations in other countries the creators of the video would consider "social innovations."

Lisa Bunag
Oct 3, 2019

I thought the same thing.

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